"It's never easy when a loved one passes, but Holman-Howe Funeral Homes in Lebanon, MO, will help you through this difficult time. Their highly qualified funeral directors always take care to plan memorial services and funeral arrangements that properly honor the deceased while providing comfort and support to family and friends.
Whether you choose to have a service at home or a formal ceremony at one of their locations, Holman-Howe Funeral Homes will assist in creating tribute videos, a memorial website, and printed materials that celebrate the life of your loved one. If you're unsure whether to choose cremation or burial services, their experts will offer guidance to help you make the right decision.
Holman-Howe Funeral Homes also provides the option to plan your own funeral, which can help your surviving family and friends during their time of grief. You will have assistance from professionals in choosing the time, place, and style of your memorial or funeral service. They will help you select songs, prayers, and music of your preference, as well as arrange the release of doves or balloons.
If you decide on burial services, Holman-Howe Funeral Homes will assist with your selection of a casket and cemetery. If you prefer cremation, they will help with the decision of placement in a mausoleum or burial in a cemetery. The professionals at Holman-Howe Funeral Homes know that planning your own funeral can be a difficult process, so they will provide the support you need every step of the way.
Grief can be overwhelming, and Holman-Howe Funeral Homes understands that you may need help. Their executive counseling director will be available to provide support when you've experienced the loss of a loved one. You also will have access to their interactive grief counseling services, as well as support sessions and additional resources that will assist you in healing at your own pace.
The celebration of life is a wonderful way to honor a family member or friend who has passed, and Holman-Howe Funeral Homes will provide an appropriate tribute to your loved one. Call (417) 532-4061 or visit their website to learn more about their services."